Pensacola Bay Center, an SMG-managed facility, completed its next phase in the rebranding of the facility by launching their new website.
THE DESIGNER Pensacola advertising agency, Ideaworks, set out to design a modern website that captured the beauty and personality of the Gulf Coast, reflected the new Pensacola Bay Center brand and invited social interaction from online visitors. Designer Kimberly Davion says she was inspired by Pensacola's natural assets--most notably the beautiful blues and greens of the Gulf of Mexico. "The creative goal was to showcase, in a vivid and captivating way, our beautiful coastal environment, along with the high energy of the concerts, sports and events hosted at Pensacola Bay Center." THE DEVELOPER The site is powered by carbonhouse, the industry leader in creating venue websites with specific marketing tools and social media integration that enhance the customer’s experience. Their proprietary content management system is specifically built for entertainment venues.
"We are excited to once again work with SMG on this project. The new website for Pensacola Bay Center not only provides an emotional engaging experience for its new brand, but allows website visitors to easily find their favorite events on both desktop and mobile devices," stated Brandon Lucas, Vice President of carbonhouse.
The website’s updated design and technology provides Pensacola Bay Center with the tools to effectively market the arena online. Its new interface has the ability to post videos, music and social media interaction. Coming soon, users with a Facebook account will be able to see on the website which of their friends plan to attend specific events. The site is accompanied by a mobi-version, as well. “Having a professional and user-friendly website is a necessity in any business. Now we have a site that is designed and powered by the best in our industry," stated Casey Sparks, Pensacola Bay Center’s assistant general manager and director of sales and marketing. "This SMG management staff has been involved in many venue websites throughout their careers. This is one is at the top of our list in regards to aesthetics and functionality. We believe the users will find it easy to navigate and fun to explore.”